Our mission is to bring our community together the good old fashioned way! For fun, conversation, good times and laughs over some of the freshest and tastiest beer and IPA's around. We hope you'll join us!

It all started over 30 years ago with a love of beer and a homebrew kit. That first batch was just awful. With determination and a “if they can brew it, so can I” attitude; and practice, well a lot of practice, and tasting, well a lot of tasting, the beer got better.

A few years owning a homebrew beer store with a couple of friends certainly helped a lot. Then came homebrewing for a while with some guys with a passion for brewing and with trial and error we were making good beer. A few years before the pandemic hit my neighbor decided he wanted to learn to brew some beer, along with my son Eric, so we started brewing in Brian’s garage. (it was bigger than mine and heated).

One thing led to another and here we are. The passion became a reality. On April 22, 2022, we opened for business, and it’s been a blast. It's hard work but we thoroughly enjoy it and appreciate everyone that has walked through the door, we try to treat you like family.

We hope we have something for everyone’s taste buds and if we don’t let us know , we just might brew it. We hope you enjoy our creations as much as we enjoy brewing them and don’t hesitate to give us your feedback, we want to hear it. Cheers!

- Randy

our story

The name Other One came from Randy Lewis's granddaughter.

at 2 years old she would always refer to a 2nd person with the same name as, "otherone".

 Eric her uncle is simply Eric while Eric's friend Eric is Eric "otherone"

We thought it was a fun name and we wanted to keep it going as we still refer to people as "otherone".

Plus it's an easy name to remember, when in doubt go to the Other One!

Some of the beer names came about the same way. Sajulus is a made up word that Randy's daughter   Paige  used because she couldn't say fabulous. We all still use that word today!

What's in a name


join our Mug club

  • 20oz pour for the price of a 16oz pour EVERYTIME for an entire year.

  • Your own 20 oz mug with your name on it, kept on the premises for use whenever you come in. 

  • An OOBC T-shirt

  • Admission to the yearly Mug Club Party with food, drinks & entertainment 

  • First right to renew your membership (at a discounted rate)

  • Every Thursday you get your second beer on us!